Making, changing or cancelling appointments

You will automatically receive an invitation from us if you are in the target group and when the screening centre is in your local area. We obtain your details from the municipality. You can change or cancel your appointment in My Health Screening. You should log in with your DigiD for this. You can also contact our information line.   

Confirmation by e-mail and SMS reminder

When making or rescheduling an appointment, you can choose to receive the appointment confirmation by e-mail. You can also opt for a reminder of the appointment by SMS. You can pass on these preferences when you make or reschedule an appointment via My Health Screening or when you make an appointment via the information line.

Your invitation will come later

For the time being, it is not possible to invite women every 2 years for the population screening for breast cancer. This is due to a shortage of personnel. It has therefore been decided to temporarily extend the period between 2 invitations to a maximum of 3 years. This will will take several years. If we have trained enough new employees, we can invite our clients again every 2 years.

Breast examination in other place

The health screening must be the same for all women in the Netherlands. That is not the case at the moment. In one region, women have to wait (much) longer for a breast examination than in another region. To reduce the regional differences, we have planned the deployment of the mobile research centers differently. For a number of places in the Netherlands, this means that we invite our clients to another location for the examination. Is this the case for you? The advantage of this is that you don't have to wait as long for the breast examination. However, it may mean that you have to travel further and longer to the research center than you are used to.

Below we indicate in which places we invite our clients at a different location for the research

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  • Do you live in Amersfoort and are you unable to make or reschedule an appointment via My Health Screening? Please contact our information line.